Wednesday, 3 January 2018

Monday 1st January Cartagena back to Torrevieja

Monday 1st January Cartagena back to Torrevieja

Well woke up feeling fine got up got on my bike to do a cycle ride cycled past car to check it was OK where I left it last night, I thougth it was OK, but I noticed by the front wheel was what looked like the washing capsule tub top which was in the back of my car. I looked round the pavement side of my car to discover it had been broken into. 
Nearly everything I had had been stolen. 

After spending nearly 4 hours in a police station I managed to make a out a police report then drove back to Kens place. 

I later complied a list of the things that were in my bags in the back of the car under the seats and inside the door pockets. 

When I got to Kens I cut a window shaped piece of plastic and tapped it over my open window. 

A wonderful start to the new year. 

Car broken into 31st December between hours of 7pm to 12am 1st January 2018
Smart car green KV06MZP
Parked on Calle Adarve de Artilleria
The right driver side window and quarter window broken with a stone.
All items were under boot cover under seats and in door pockets.
Car ransacked stuff taken.

Garmin Sar Sat Nav x2 new one had camera and 2gbye micro card.
old one for backup.
1 double cigarette lighter cable with USB charging points.
1 USB Solar panel charger.
1 tesco Bag for life containing 3 cycling jerseys very conspicuous Jolly Boys
1 yellow and
2 blue one long and 1 short sleeve,
1 pair lycia long trousers, and
1 pair short cycling trousers,
Two thin under vests merino wool.
2 pairs of cycling socks.
Battery pack and charger for front light for bike.
4 inner tubes two puncture repair outfits. Inside one cycle rack pannier.
Two cycle rain coats one small rolled into a bag one fluorescent with led lights when you lifted arm lights signalled.
1 Blue cotton hiking jacket.
1 Green browning shooting coat with Italian  leather gloves and flat cap. In pockets.
Old vintage wicker fly fishing bag with two fly reels one was Hardy perfect 1890
Other a Hardy as well, a brass priest and various scissors and line leaders.
Sinking line on one reel, floating weight forward 8 on other.
1 tesco bag for life with 1 dress jacket
2 pairs of blue chino trousers.
1 pair of green trousers.
1 pair of shoes Cuban heel boots
1 pair of shoes with socks inside
1 pair green leather menocen sandles
2 dress shirts shorts sleeves for dancing flamenco.
1 yellow short sleeve shirt.
1 paisley total vintage scarf.
1 bottle red wine a good one.
1 cycle foot pump with gauge for two Valve types.
2 cycle padlocks long curl wire types
1 second cycle clamp for smart car cycle rack.
I green ikea blanket
2 large India blankets 1 with elephants 1 with green man.
Small tea pot and 1/2 jar honey and a bag chi tea bags.
Beard shaver and charger.
A load of parking change. 

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