Saturday 30th December Cartagena
Got up late as usual, walked over to the building over the road and bought a ticket to 5 of the Ancient places to see.
Well the first place was amazing part of the oldest dual walls of the city, and inside one part was an old crypt, complete with the remains of boxes and the skeletons of the people who were In them.
Some of the crypts had been opened a day you could see parts of the wooden caskets they would of interred the remains in.
A plan view of the twin walls
Stairway down to the crypt, as you put your hand on the stone rail you wondered how many people had done that.
One of the crypts even had the skull just lying there.
Walking round to the Castle of Conception bumped into this jet again.
This id the old bull ring
Built in the 1800's but now found out to have been built on to of a Roman Colosseum
Some of the walls remain
They have started to excavate but it will mean destroying the old bullring structure..
My ticket gave me a free ride in this escalator to the Castle
The view from the top of the escalator
from the escalator you still had to walk up a long way.
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